Democratizing material and technological knowledge: RepMat Library (REPlicating MATerials Library)
May 30, 2025 @ 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM GMT+1 Add to Calendar
This talk presents RepMat (REPlicating MATerials library), an Open Source Materials Library designed to share circular sustainable practices on new materials and technologies, especially 3D printing. As self-replicable open-source 3D printers, this materials library wants to democratize materials and technological knowledge (and experience) by sharing experimentations, results, and possible real exploitations dealing with circular materials and digital fabrication. RepMat is a collaborative distributed materials library focused on practical experience and interaction with materials and technologies. It is made of a physical and a virtual part, designed according to open design principles, encouraging open-source material development and education for sustainable digital fabrication.

Alessia Romani
Alessia Romani (PhD in Design, Politecnico di Milano) is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Free Appropriate Sustainable Technology (FAST) Lab, Western University (Canada). Her research explores the interconnections between design, materials, 3D printing, and sustainability, bridging design and engineering through open-source technologies and materials.